Hawiflex® polyurethane perforated metal sheets:

Easy assembly via screw connection

Hawiflex® PU sheets with perforated metal are made with a perforated metal plate backing whose thickness is chosen in proportion to the total thickness. This metal inlay, which is a few millimetres thick, increases the rigidity of the sheet so that you can work with fewer screws than when lining with pure PU sheets. In addition the formation of waves can almost be ruled out in the event of strong temperature changes. These properties are particularly helpful with large-area linings, as the transitions are smooth and can be worked with very small joints. Plates with perforated steel inlay can be folded and rolled by machine and are therefore also very suitable, e.g. as a side guide of conveyor belts or linings for buckets, gutters and chutes.

If machining is not possible on site, sheets with perforated aluminium backing are also availabe. In this case, the panels are very easy to bend by hand and the weight is reduced thanks to the 1/3 lighter aluminium.
Since screw heads often represent a weak point in terms of adhesions or wear, we recommend the use of our Hawiflex®-coated flat head screws. With a countersunk head driller, which is also available, you can place the hole on site in order to lower the head of the screw to the level of the plate.


Lining a slide in a waste incineration plant with Hx-perfo-plate + coated flat head screw


lochblech alu


lochblech stahl e1552561890866

Hawiflex® benefits:

  • Ideal for coating large areas
  • Good anti-friction properties
  • Enormous anti-adhesion properties
  • Noise retardant
  • Cleaning processes simplified
  • On Euro pallet: Transport optimised


2000 x 1000 mm (Standard)
1200 x 800 mm (Euro pallet)
Thickness: 12, 15, 20, 25 mm
and on request

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